Party in the Art Room Blog
Scroll for helpful tips, stories, and news.
Stylized Mountains Art Project for Kids (breathtaking and fun)
Math Art: Fantastic Angles Art Lesson Every Kid Will Love
3 Helpful Ways to Stop Letting the Cuteness Competition Make You Hate Teaching
3 Helpful Ways to Stop Letting the Cuteness Competition Make You Hate Teaching
If you’ve been teaching for any amount of time, then chances are you may have found yourself letting the cuteness competition make you hate teaching. I know about this all too well, which is why I’d like to share a few helpful ways you can navigate this trap and truly enjoy your teaching journey.
Art Advocacy In Your Classroom
Art advocacy does not have to always mean beating down your legislator’s door. Art advocacy can be as simple as teaching the principles and elements of art, and it is just as important. Art advocacy is something you can do right from your classroom.
3 Ways a Hand Drawn Resource Adds Tremendous Value to Your Instruction
Have you ever considered using hand drawn resources with your students? In most cases, teachers go for resources that have been digitally drawn and created, and rightfully so. There are many deciding factors, but if I could draw your attention (no pun intended) to using hand drawn resources, it is sure to add tremendous value to your instruction. Here’s how!
How Students Can Better Understand Theme and Metaphor by Weaving for Literacy: Esperanza Rising
3 Ways to Use Open-Ended Art Projects to Help Students Understand Theme
5 Best Self-Portrait Lessons: The Ultimate Roundup for Teachers
Looking for a cheerful and colorful self-portrait lesson can be stressful and overwhelming at times, especially when there seems to be a lot to choose from. No need to keep looking for a great self-portrait lesson because everything you need is right here. Below is a roundup of my best Party in the Art Room self-portrait posts.
3 Favorite Hallway Student Work Displays for Showcasing Artwork at School
4 Nifty Tips for Repurposing Classroom Junk to Create Unique and Intriguing Fairytale Castles
Quick and Irresistible Abstract Collage Self-Portrait Art Lesson for Kids
Using Students’ Names to Create Unique Symmetry Artwork
How to Use Symmetry to Create Cheerful Artwork Celebrating Student Names
A Motto for Every Student
“In this class, we share, we love, we laugh, and we grow. We are all in this together. We are all good. And we can all be successful,” say my students and I as we begin class. This is our motto, and it’s one of my favorite things to do with my class. We sign the motto in American Sign Language (ASL) as we say it.
Fascinating Nancy Graves Inspired Art Lesson Kids Will Want to Make
Solving a Long-Ignored Competency Problem in Art Teacher Professionalism
Fun and Colorful Yellow Submarine Fabric Art Project for Kids
Fun and Easy Pop Art Self Portraits With a Twist for Elementary Class
Complete your pop art unit with this pop art self portrait! I’ll walk you through how I brought this lesson to life, and give you ideas for bringing it into your own classroom.
How Students Can Better Understand Symbolism in Literature and Art
Symbolism in art and literature have a lot in common. In this blog, we will explore some common ways symbolism is used, and how you can dive deep into symbolism with students.