25 Math & ELA Art Lesson Starters

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math art lesson starters
amanda koonlaba text types and features
  • Math & ELA Art Lesson Starters

    25 of Amanda Koonlaba’s BEST IDEAS for aligning art and standards. You’ll find lesson ideas for math and ELA standards in the following categories like Numbers and Operations in Base 10, Text Types and Purposes, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, and MORE!

    Teachers are encouraged to take these ideas and use their knowledge of curriculum, standards, and students to create lessons.

  • Free Art Worksheets

    These free art worksheets are perfect for reflection and assessment in the art-making process.

    Students analyze their work and write about everything from how they used the elements of art to how they might sell their work in the future.

    Print these worksheets to use as formative assessments mid-lesson or add them to your centers weekly. You can also easily add them to digital learning platforms if needed.


Hey! I’m Amanda!

Teacher, mama, art lover and arts integration specialist. I've helped thousands of teachers use art in their classrooms. (Yes! Art teachers, but not just art teachers. Literally every grade level and subject you can think of!) I created this lesson starters eBook to help you get started using art in math or ELA as quickly as possible. I know you don’t have time to waste when it comes to finding what works with your students! These are my best lesson ideas. The tried and true ones!